Free & Easy : Episode 100

23 mai 2021 à 19h15 - 2426 vues
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Radio ( O.T.R.) dab+ " FREE & EASY " (( 100 shows ! )) live Radio show , Le Havre -France - Sunday the 23th-May 2021 - Wyldcliff ( Patryck Albert ) present playlist : Sellwoods , Buddy Hemlock , Vipers , Wylde Tryfles , Sick Roses , jingle , Greg Prevost , Monarchs , B-Monster , spot, Tenderfeet , Cynics , Blue Shades , Schizophonics , Cramps , Brooms , Stomatch Mouth , Arsene Obsene , Count Viglione , Stupidity , B-Monster , Outta Place , Mother of Invention , Esquires ,....Rock on !


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