Rock à la Casbah - 08 mars 2024

08 mars 2024 à 20h00 - 150 vues
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PROJECTOR (Venn Records) - Now When We Talk It's Violence - And Now the End

La Luz (SubPop) - News of the Universe - Strange World
Habibi (KillRockStars) - Dreamachine-OnTheRoad

GWENDOLINE (Born Bad Records) - C'est à moi ça - Rock 2000
IRNINI MONS (Another Records, Dur et Doux, HViV) - Une habitante touchée par une météorite - Elis Polis

SCANERS (Dangerhouse Skylab/Adrenalin Fix/KOTJ/Beluga/Wanda) - III - No Return
IDLES (Partisan) - Tangk - Gift Horse

PROJECTOR (Venn Records) - Now When We Talk It's Violence – Breeding Ground
PROJECTOR (Venn Records) - Now When We Talk It's Violence - tastes like Sarah

The MYSTIC BRAVES (S/R) - The Spinning Wheel – All your Love
ADIEU GARY COOPER (Cheptel Records) - Toute sortie définitive - La machine

DRAHLA (CapturedTracks) - Angeltape-Default Parody
LAMBRINI GIRLS (CitySlang) - God's Country

PROJECTOR (Venn Records) - Now When We Talk It's Violence - Chemical


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